One of my best creations

Hey there,
haven’t posted in a while.  Not that I haven’t been busy mind you. Lots of things in the movin’ and a groovin’ in the kitchen, if you get my drift.
One the things I’ve been up to is harvesting the info on my dance website preparing for a new website. More work than you would imagine. You got to be very organised (of which I am), just wasn’t counting on being focussed as well. HAHAHAHAHA 😀

Here’s something I did earlier…almost two years to be exact. One of my best creations.  Taken from


Herräng 2012: Dancing with Daniel Heedman

I’ve just been browsing and I came across this.

How funny!!!!  It was probably in the fourth week of Herräng when I was getting over the dastardly Herrang Flu.  Blurgh….  You can’t really tell from the clip but I was dancing in my jesus creepers, as I hadn’t intended on dancing at all.  Just popped by the Folkets Hus to check out the dancing.  Then I saw my baby, Daniel Heedman.  I don’t know what took me, knowing that my lungs hadn’t completely recovered I stuck my hand out, and that was that.  Straight away in 6th gear!!!  That’s my boy.

Daniel is one of the few dancers that had, has and has kept the spirit.  The spirit of Lindy-Hop that I first tasted back in 1990.  And the groove that I witnessed in 2006 in New York when the Savoy Ballroom 70+ year old veterans danced at the Alhambra Ballroom commemorating its anniversary.  They taught me so much.

I was about to make a comment about “the spirit”, but I think I’ll keep that for another time…that’s going to be “a long ting” as we say back home. I only wanted to share the video. 

The one thing I will say though is that visually our dance in the clip might not be spectacular.  What I mean by that is showy, lifts and aerials and jazz hands and all of that.  However the energy and the creativity we enjoyed during that dance, in my opinion, was unsurpassed.  I guess you just had to be there to get it.

As a lindy-hopper, teacher and performer, my presence on YouTube etc. is much less prolific than many of my counterparts.  Why?  Dunno.  I guess for me when I teach it’s about the student.  When I perform, it’s about the audience, and when I dance socially, well, it’s about me, the music and my partner.  So I guess with those definitions in mind, the anonymous public has not really been key in the way I choose to express and promote the art and science of it.  “It” being my work.

The world of lindy hop has changed, evolved and so it should to survive.   I’ve been doing this lindy hop thing for some time now and I’m always so happy to be part of any party.  Especially “those” parties.  When the spirit hits, you know where to find me.    I’m usually right there, smack dab in the middle (to coin a phrase LOL)

Have to say it again though, that boy Daniel floats my boat.  Here he is with his now wife Asa Palm-Heedman (she’s one of “them” too). Blamming it at the first Jazz Jam 2006 in the white blazer and red top They won.