
I was going to fb this, but I think my thoughts may reach a more thoughtful audience here.


Yesterday, I received what I perceived to be a threat from a person who in my eyes is: a colleague not a peer, in the artistic sense; a junior more, so in earth years than in lindy years, but still nonetheless junior in both cases; but also an employer, whom I mentored and heavily supported as a teenager.

Blurred lines huh?!

What to do? How to respond?
Not quite sure if I’m asking a question or making a statement. Maybe both.

I don’t believe this person believes that they were making a threat, and I also think they believe they’re just doing business. I’m also of the belief that there is an ignorance (on their part) of the various interpersonal dynamics at play.
The lindy world was built on passion and good will and business. It would seem that maturity (in whichever realm you might choose to cite, be it emotional, experiential etc.) is the key to understanding how the balance between them (the three pillars mentioned) work, doesn’t work or could work, and ultimately in the implementation.



Thoughts, opinions and otherwise are most welcome.






P.s. I don’t do threats.

5 thoughts on “#dontaskforAngela

  1. Hi Cookie, hope all is well. 🙂
    Interesting post, I was trying to understand the nature of the ‘threat’.
    Did they overstep a professional boundary or was it a personal one?
    Was it intentional or ignorantly done?
    Whatever the intricacies, I hope you’re able to inform them of their error and sort it out.

    PS: I thought I was the only one who thought it was hard going encouraging those on my Facebook friends list to join in topics of debate…I see It’s not so.
    I’m still following all my original WP buddies Blog posts, as I get closer to completion I will be making more of a time to visit, read and comment.

    Thanks for the read.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey Phil!!!!!!!!!
      Happy New Year to you. So great to hear from you. So cool to know that you’re still following the goss :D!!!

      And no, it wasn’t the “if you don’t comply, we’re going to send the boys ’round” kind of threat, it was the “if you don’t reply, you don’t have a job” – which on the face of it is understandable. But when you, I, one considers all of the other elements, as I described in my post, then things become a little more delicate, which in my opinion requires a certain amount of humility, and I repeat, maturity to come to some sort of resolution.

      For example, yesterday I met someone whom I had only worked alongside once about 6 months ago. (When I say worked alongside, I mean, on the same billing and that was basically the extent of it). We greeted each other – normal, and continued on our ways – normal, then I was given a hearty send off with “yeah, it’s been so long, let’s catch up” – to me, not normal. Catch up on what?!!! hahahahaha.

      Ah well. Call me old fashioned, and probably really judgmental. But I claim it. It’s all mine HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

      BTW, starting classes again soon. Are you signed up to my mailing list?

      Liked by 1 person

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